Tell Me Daily
Your Life Scheduler
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Member Log In Enter your UserName and Password to access your Schedule of Events.
Schedule of Events Your events are shown. Scroll down to see the next two weeks or month.
Service Schedule Everything due shows up. When tasks are finished they are moved to History.
Event & Service Combined view of all personal events and equipment service.
Menu Every page has the Menu icon. Click to choose your next action.
Add Task Only requires a title. The Time Span is optional.
Add Personal Event Enter Title, Description and Days to Schedule.
Add Equipment Each vehicle or equipment must be added with current mileage or hours; a one-time task.
Add Equipment Service Schedule service by date, units or both based on next date or units.
Finish, Skip, Edit, Postone, Delete or Wait Event Change date or any fields on the event.
Entry of a Shopping List Detail lines are on separate lines by pressing ENTER after each item.
Shopping List Schedule showing the detail lines of a Shopping List.
Edit Service History Enter your service history for example, your motorhome oil and filter changes.